So Love my Costello turtle cabinet knobs! They are high quality and reasonably priced!
Great Service and beautiful product! Thank you.
She is adorable and looks great in my Cape Cod kitchen.
This sea turtle knob set is a jewel of cabinet hardware!
You'll admire this sculpture each time you walk by!
Copyrighted work by Peter Costello.
Did you know: Loggerhead Turtles are on the endangered or threatened species list throughout the world? That they're estimated (no one knows for certain) to live up to 70 years? That they cannot pull their heads or flippers into their shells like freshwater tortoises and turtles and that when they lay eggs, they lay about 100 eggs in "three to five nests, sometimes more, two weeks apart"?
So Love my Costello turtle cabinet knobs! They are high quality and reasonably priced!
These turtle knobs are beautiful and the customer service and shipping was spot on.
So Love my Costello turtle cabinet knobs! They are high quality and reasonably priced!
Great Service and beautiful product! Thank you.
She is adorable and looks great in my Cape Cod kitchen.