A Sea Life Adventure: Buster the Crab's Windy Day

October 30, 2022

Photo by Pixabay: https://www.pexels.com/photo/beach-ocean-yellow-crab-63282/

Buster the crabhttps://www.sealifecabinetknobs.com/collections/blue-crab-collection/products/blue-crab-cabinet-knob-287-small was a small crab,

Just a little boy with big plans,

He could talk and talk,

He had the “gift of gab”.


He wanted to be a talk show host,

Maybe like the people on TV,

Or on radio, he’s heard some:

There was one he admired most.


One day on the beach, he got a bit scared,

The wind was blowing,

The waves were kicking up,

To get answers, he did what he hadn’t dared.


He found the closest palm treehttps://www.sealifecabinetknobs.com/collections/palm-tree-collection/products/palm-tree-cabinet-knobs-114l-small-left-leaning ,

Leaning in the wind,

And clawed his way up

As high as he could be.


The sky was dark and scary,

The ocean’s waves white-capped,

No people were around,

No voices were making merry.


What is this? Buster https://www.sealifecabinetknobs.com/collections/blue-crab-collection/products/blue-crab-cabinet-knob-287-small   thought, afraid,

He’d never seen the ocean so angry,

Felt the wind so strong on his shell,

Quickly, his decision was made.


He went down the palm tree https://www.sealifecabinetknobs.com/collections/palm-tree-collection/products/palm-tree-cabinet-knobs-114l-small-left-leaning

As fast as he possibly could,

And heading for home, called out,

“Where are you? Mommy! Daddy!”


He was blown off course

A time or two,

Once knocked head over heels,

The wind at full force.


Finally, he saw, up ahead

And coming his way,

Arms outstretched and calling:

Mommy, by his Daddy being led.


They met and they kissed him,

And quickly said,

“We have to make shelter! 

"A hurricane is coming!”

They dug quickly; the light very dim.


Mommy went first into the hole,

Buster https://www.sealifecabinetknobs.com/collections/blue-crab-collection/products/blue-crab-cabinet-knob-287-small   was pulled by Mom

And pushed by Dad

His Mom’s words calmed his soul.


Many hours later, with Mom and Dad by his side,

Buster the crab https://www.sealifecabinetknobs.com/collections/blue-crab-collection/products/blue-crab-cabinet-knob-287-small   left the hiding place

Mom and Dad so quickly dug,

And all three with surprise, sighed.


Their once sandy beach home

Was now littered with debris,

Flotsam and jetsam covered the shore,

And through it they did roam.


Buster https://www.sealifecabinetknobs.com/collections/blue-crab-collection/products/blue-crab-cabinet-knob-287-small   cried as he saw his beach,

Now sadly strewn with much

That didn’t belong there,

But wind and waves did reach.


But his Momma, cuddled Buster the crabhttps://www.sealifecabinetknobs.com/collections/blue-crab-collection/products/blue-crab-cabinet-knob-287-small ,

And reminded him that it’s not important,

All of that will be cleaned and cleared,

But they are alive and he still had his gift of gab.


At this, Buster https://www.sealifecabinetknobs.com/collections/blue-crab-collection/products/blue-crab-cabinet-knob-287-small   smiled softly, and said,

“Mom, “You know what? You’re right,

“This is just stuff, but Mom, you’re the bomb!”

His Mom kissed him, and Buster's https://www.sealifecabinetknobs.com/collections/blue-crab-collection/products/blue-crab-cabinet-knob-287-small face turned red!


© 2022 LSM for Costello Coastal Knobs

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